Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yesterday, 19:35 Study of the so-called STOKKSEYRI thing is finished and has been sent to the Prose

In second place on the list is a football coach Logilafsson, who has 1.166 million. Christian Kj rnested chairman knattspyrnudeildar KR with 1.104 million and Sigurdur Ragnar Eyj lfsson coach of women's soccer with 997 thousand per month in salary.

However, the combat man Gunnar Nelson with only 45 thousand per month, Iris Mist Magn sd ttir, visalandhra book house gymnast visalandhra book house in Gerpla visalandhra book house is 44 thousand per month and handball man Sigf s Sigurdsson train runs with 42 thousand per month.

Yesterday, 22:27 About 20,000 visitors were in concert band Of Monsters and Men, which took place on the meadow with Vifilsstadir in Gar abtonight. Police said the evening had gone well except for a minor incident visalandhra book house involving an intoxicated subjects. More

Yesterday, 21:45 Mary Rose alto study in Alabama in the United States. She also plays soccer with Brei ablik and saddled themselves Dago road trip to play the cup final last weekend. More

Yesterday, 19:50 new structure will be enabled at the University as of the month, due to a huge shortage in the largest field hospital, lyfl kningasvi i. Deildarl knir says the situation has long been anticipated and doctors talk to deaf ears the hospital for many years. More

Yesterday, 21:11 multitude is now assembled in the meadow with Vifilsstadir visalandhra book house in Gar abwhere the band Of Monsters and Men hold concerts. This is the last concert of the band that has been touring the world this year. one and a half years. Police say that between 15-20 thousand people

are in the area. More

Yesterday, 19:35 Study of the so-called STOKKSEYRI thing is finished and has been sent to the Prosecutor said Jon HB Snorri, Deputy Chief of Police in the capital. The case revolves around visalandhra book house the rough assault and several people sit in custody for investigation of the case. This occurred in the evening news RUV. More

Yesterday, 19:00 In general directive Catholic Church issued a today on the occasion

of a black Catholic church Investigation visalandhra book house report, which was submitted to the bishop at the beginning visalandhra book house of the week, said that priests must not notify child welfare authorities about violations they find that the confession booth . More

Yesterday, 18:42 Reykjanesbraut will be closed from a town that Arnarnes road at the 19 concerts V filssta i Local Tunisia. People are advised to choose other routes on their journeys, according to a report from the police in the capital. More

Yesterday, 18:14 One hundred days on the weekend of the Progressive party-government visalandhra book house and Independence Party took power in the country. Thereby wheat bread recently formally completed and the seriousness begins. What is the situation? More

Yesterday, visalandhra book house 17:44 Considerable Widespread visalandhra book house Dust has been today on the east coast today and thickness rykmistur is F skrsfj r ur. Odin Magnason on F skrsfir i says that the dust is so thick that people fixing it because it penetrates everywhere in both the window and lips. More

Yesterday, visalandhra book house 16:09 Commission Disabled in Iceland wants Social reconsider its decision to depart Gudmundur Steingr msson, visalandhra book house parliamentarian brighter future, the project's user-personalized assistance. He has provided

the Committee chaired since its establishment in 2011. Obi looks matter serious consideration. More

Misunderstanding Faroe Islands two will airport Vatnsm ri saga springs forth at the seams 6 years selling keyring portfolio Ghosts and r kurrin Akureyri was sold into prostitution visalandhra book house 12 years old Open House in the City today Icelanders did not Faroese vessels Herj lfur sails around noon only travel thrives Believes EU will not collapse fighting in southern and western Car depended on Pace Road Reduces wind afternoon Hopes that Herj lfur sailed today have to worry about reduced service payments trapped in the estate Weekend visalandhra book house extends into San Francisco residents criticizing the slow going Shorter visalandhra book house periods of study submitted to the Government prohibit buses onrsgata visalandhra book house Lack of GPs sustained

Friday, 08/30/2013 shameful and shocking exchangeable fraction And I would let rip old cabin in the town closest to Triple Jackpot Euro Photographed girl kvennakl settinu Hlemmur is homely uncertain whether killer offer in municipal

Projects Rescue completed Won election public competition UN Icelandic seafood and lamb presented in Berlin Rules on drug testing desirable Herj lfur visalandhra book house does not last trip Provide ground ball receiving detention for prostitution investigation Baldy in battle with him, and Aegir Children's

House will be expanded Winter in August met again 39 years later All changed visalandhra book house when the shell fishing was stopped teams called the trip canceled due to weather Blowing Snow,fingsf rand slush shall be subject to detention visalandhra book house remain torn up by the roots in the city reservoir to the fill roads closed because concert claims dismissed Social Sciences does not assess Share Comment from ri
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