Monday, September 30, 2013

Get (Into) What You Paid For: Round Two

So. Since getting my last paycheck from work, I've managed to rack up quite a bit of media to consume. Nine batman Graphic Novels, Eight Concert Tickets, Three Vinyl Records for decoration purposes, Three Chris Nolan Batman Blu-Rays, One Dredd Blu-Ray, One Anathema Concert Blu-Ray, One Sabbaton Concert Blu-Ray, One Protest The Hero Concert DVD, Three Soundgarden Albums, Two White Zombie Albums, Two Protest The Hero Albums, One Stone Temple Pilots Album, One Alice In Chains Album, One Silverchair Album, One Cog Album, One Fair To Midland Album, One Babyshambles Album, One Sick Of It All Album, One Arctic Monekys Album.

Yeah. A bit of spending overkill for sure.

I also had to spend money on actual things like a belt, jeans, printer ink, food, medicines and healthfood stuff for a mixture of weightlifting and illness reasons.

So. In order not to starve to death, or get crushed to death under a mountain of disc or paper media, I've decided to start round-two of Get (Into) What You Paid For, the blog series (inspired by the brilliant Blog) in which I try and stop buying new things for a month despite my obvious Mental Health issues regarding the acquisition of new music (and other media).

Last time, I came up with the idea for the blog a bit into a month, so this time I have a longer stretch of time to do it in. I also had a birthday last time in which to receive lovely gifts to make the challenge easier, and had ordered a butt-load of stuff to be delivered throughout the challenge. This time I'm going in totally dry. It's a harder challenge this time around is basically what I'm getting at.

Now, I say dry.In the time between that last work paycheck, I've become absolutely obsessed with Protest The Hero, and before this challenge will end, they're going to release a new album. There's no way in hell I'm not getting that. Abstaining from that album with this current headspace is just not going to happen. Fuggeddaboutit. How I'm getting around this issue is with a pre-order purchase being made now, before the first of the month hits, so that buying it doesn't get in the way of the challenge. A bit cheeky, but it'll have to do. I'm still being mostly good though; Trivium, Monster Magnet and Entombed all have albums coming out that I'll wait till the next month for, and Testament have a Blu-Ray. You know how much I like concert Blu-Rays by now if you read this blog. I'll try and resist them the normal way, but I know that with how obsessed I am with PTH now, there'd be no point even trying and I'd automatically fail my challenge.

So, in case you've forgotten the format or just joined us, this is what's going to happen: over the next month I'll post a series of blog articles about what's tempting me to break my month-long-ban on new purchases, and write about the albums I'm listening to as a means of distracting myself. Taking advantage of this "no new stuff" period, I'll try and rediscover things that I've forgotten about or get my money's worth from things I didn't listen to enough.

It begins tomorrow.
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