Wednesday, August 28, 2013

'Bad Milo' Clip: Emotional Breakthroughs Via Sock Puppet

We're only one day away from viewing KEN MARINO's bowel-dwelling little monster in all its gory glory - BAD MILO will be hitting VOD tomorrow. But for those who can't wait (or who feel that Bad Milo's level of weird deserves to be seen on the big screen, which'll happen on October 4), a brand new clip from the film can be viewed below. I urge you to do so, lest you fall victim to your own butt demon.

It's pretty clear why Marino's character has so much pent-up rage (among other things bottled up inside him). His wife doesn't respect him. It's not clear if his therapist actually respects him, as PETER STORMARE is behaving like a lunatic and may not even be a real therapist. Although the sock puppets do seem to be working. And Duncan (Marino's character) seems to have a few hidden father issues, as we can figure out once his sock puppet role-play starts to get a little out of hand. Take a look:

It's that last part - the daddy issues - that seem a little too on the nose. What makes this clip so funny is the little reactions between the two actors. Marino's little eyeroll when Stormare suggests that real people like you and me are actually sock puppets from a sock puppet's perspective. Stormare breaking out into a glowing smile after the line "you got hurt." Even the level of detail put into the sock puppets is good for a giggle or two.

Hopefully, Bad Milo will be full of the subtle stuff. You know, for a movie about a butt demon. []
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