THANKS Denise, Another Great Journo Keeping The Story Circulating.
I Can't Stress Enough How Much We Need To Keep This Case In The News.
Thanks To Everyone ..please Keep Sharing PUPPY DOE'S Story To As Many People As You Can. Use As Many Internet Tools / Media Sites As You Can!
See AlsoSeptember 25, 2013Nowadays you can find anything on Craigslist. You can buy and sell furniture, services, and a plethora of other things. But for all the conveniences offered by this quick trade site it also opens doors to those with criminal intentions.
Those inhuman monsters that prey on the helpless and try to find a quick, cheap way to get their next victim for whatever their sick, twisted agenda is. This is an open market for animal abusers and dog fighters to acquire their victims.
A recent story making headlines and inflaming animal rights groups and citizens across the nation involves a dog who was given away as "Free to Good Home" on Craigslist and has ended up dead; one of the worst cases of animal abuse ever documented. The dog has been nicknamed "" or "Kaiya" by her rescuers.
It all started very innocently when a person needed to rehome their dog due to breed restrictions at their apartment complex. They went on Craigslist and offered their dog up as a free to good home as is common on the website. Little did they know they were turning over their trusting, loving pet to a sadistic monster who would systematically torture her over the course of several months.
The next time Puppy Doe was seen she was lying abandoned in a park in Quincy, Massachusetts on August 31, 2013. The veterinarian who examined her found horrific injuries that were obviously inflicted over a period of time. She weighed in at half the normal weight for a dog her size, her body was covered with burn marks and lacerations, her bones had been broken and pulled apart reminiscent of the medieval torture practice of "drawing." She had stab wounds in her eyes and she also endured some type of crude cutting to give her tongue a split, serpentine look. These injuries are indicative of something ritualistic or satanic.
Unfortunately Puppy Doe could not be saved due to the extent of her injuries and had to be euthanized. Her short life had been nothing but extreme suffering
According to Boston Magazine police are actively hunting and asking the public for help with any information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for this sadistic abuse. Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrisey made a statement last week asking any individuals with information to come forward and is making this case a priority.
The main concern at this time is the person or persons who inflicted this type of torture is still out there and a danger to other animals and people. At this time he/she may be torturing other animals. This may not be an isolated incident.
Mary Nee, president of the issued a statement saying "Words cannot adequately describe the shocking suffering that "Puppy Doe" endured or capture the urgency in identifying who did this to her."
Since this story made national news Animal Rescue League has received an outpouring of support from people all over the country. This includes donations to the league's fundraiser to help further the investigation. They are also offering a $5,000.00 reward for the information leading to the arrest of Puppy Doe's abuser. Misty's Journey and Second Chance Rescue in New York City added an additional $10,000.00 in reward money over the weekend.
A petition has also been started "Justice for Puppy Doe" which calls for changes in state's animal abuse laws and doing away with the free pet give away options on Craigslist. To date the petition has 14,000 signatures. The petition is addressed to Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster.
Two Facebook groups have also surfaced "Justice for Puppy Doe" with 17,000 supporters and "Help Find the Torturer of Puppy Doe" with 4,000 supporters.
Imagine the grief and heartbreak dear Puupy Doe suffered. Taken from her loving home and placed in the hands of this subhuman to who she was nothing more than a thing to inflict pain on. Imagine
her cries for help and hopes that rescue from her agonizing suffering would arrive which it never did.
Imagine her thinking of the family that gave her up and wondering why they never came back for her and why she was being punished. Imagine as time went on her spirit breaking when she realized she would never be liberated from her executioner and her life would be nothing more than continual pain.
This type of cruelty should not take place in a civilized society. No person or animal should be subjected to such unspeakable horrors. And no person who inflicts such suffering on an animal should be allowed to live among us.
This person needs to be locked up permanently and never allowed to interact with humans or animals again. They are one of societies undesirables.
Do not let this living, breathing monster get away with this atrocity. They are not only callous and mentally unstable but a coward who preys on the weak then dumps them like garbage when he is done with them.
If you have any information on this case or recognize this dog please contact Quincy Police Department at 617-745-5774 or the Animal Rescue League of Boston's Law Enforcement Department at 617-226-5610. You can also email them at .
You can also add your voice to the thousands of others to permanently remove posting of pets on
Craigslist and one to the Attorney General to help find the suspect in this case.
Do not let the any other animal suffer what Puppy Doe endured in her short life. If we can make this happen then Puppy Doe will not have lived in vain. Her untimely death will leave behind a lasting legacy.
Don't let her be forgotten.
Suggested By The Author
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