Thursday, September 26, 2013

When I Grow Up!

This week we have learned about our great community of Lockhart and the jobs of many people that help us.We now know what we want to be when we grow up!


Jayden: a doctor because doctors help people get


Emy: a vet so I can help people take care of their


Kaylee:a doctor so I can help people feel better.

Junior: a fireman so I can put fires out and get a

fire dog.

Jon: a monster truck driver cause I always want to be.

Joseph J.: a cop so I take people to jail when they are a

grownupand they be bad.

Audrina: a doctor so I can put a band aid on people.

Esther: a doctor like my mama. She pokes people on

the leg.

Isaac:an astronaut so I can go see the moon and look

down on earth.

Jace:a race car driver cause I dreamed about that.

Leandra:a vet to help.

Kryslyn: a vet to take care of all the animals that are

not wild.

Analisa: an animal doctor so I can help the animals feel


Sashya: a food cooker to cook birthday cakes.

CJ:a veterinarian because I want to take care of


Lizzie:a veterinarian because they take care of animals

and I think that is really important.

Cash: A policeman.

Zander: an astronaut to get on the earth. That earth that has thoselittle holes on it

Our community will be in great hands in the future!
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