Wednesday, July 24, 2013

52 weeks of baking: 31

Hello, let me introduce you to my new favorite thing, rosemary and chocolate. Oh plus a lot of olive oil. I grew up with rosemary growing everywhere in my backyard, and I ended up running through a lot of it. Rosemary has a pretty potent scent, and after a while my child self got real sick of it and decided I didn't like it. Up until last nightish. I was intrigued by the combination of chocolate and rosemary and using spelt flour, which I had never even heard of, and accepted the challenge. The outcome? This cake is a ROCKSTAR (bold and italicized, y'all). I used from the Vanilla Bean Blog. Thank goodness for food blogs.

Yay for husbands who chop things! He's becoming an excellent kitchen assistant. ;)

Oh, this cake. We had some fresh out of the oven last night and I just had a piece for breakfast. It is wonderful and my life is better for it. The texture of this cake is spot on. It's fluffy and light and the olive oil compliments the only slightly heavier flavors of rosemary and chocolate perfectly. Rosemary and chocolate... who would have known? I guess there is very little in the world that some form of chocolate can't compliment. Thanks to this cake, I have a new found love of rosemary and plan on throwing it into my cooking asap. Of course it was a cake that would show me the light.

The only snag I encountered with this cake was all of my doing. I used the wrong size pan (because my 9.5 inch fluted tart pan was housing ) and just used a 9 inch cake pan. The center didn't cook through quite all the way and it cracked when we flipped it out. We lost a little cake, but the majority of it survived and is perfect. I will be making this baby again. And again. Just in the correct sized pan.

This week is cray cray and I am surprised, and relieved, that I managed to squeeze this cake in. Although I was suffering from a monster of a sinus headache last night, I stumbled out into the public, grabbed some rosemary, and threw this baby together with the help of sweet Brendon. It seriously took no time at all, another winning quality of this rockstar cake? SO easy to make. And I think cake may be the cure to headaches.
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