Thursday, July 18, 2013

TT: Modern Twist to Urban Fantasy

Looking for the Wednesday Wandering?Just page back one.Maybe you can tell me what's growing in my garden.You'll also learn why, no matter how busy I am, I never skip page proofs.Then come back and join me and Alan as we take a look at the newest evolution in urban fantasy: Buffy Fic!

Buffy Fic: It's Not All Like This

JANE: As we mentioned a few weeks ago, the term urban fantasy has recently expanded to incorporate what used to be the monsters of horror, presented in a less monstrous, often romantic, context.Since it seemed to me that this sort of urban fantasy blossomed forth as the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series grew in popularity, I've tended to term it "Buffy Fic."

ALAN: And that's a name that seemed so appropriate the first time I heard you use it, that I've been using it ever since. But "Buffy" was a TV show. I suspect that the huge popularity of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight novels has also had a lot of influence on the growth of this kind of thing as a literary genre.

JANE: Now, I'll admit, as a reader I have an aversion to fiction focused around vampires-- although I have read all the "Twilight" books, mostly so I could find out what the fuss was about.Anyhow, to me, it doesn't matter if the vampires are the good guys or the villains or both.It's just not my flavor.Therefore, I'm hardly an expert on this particular variation of urban fantasy.Perhaps you could mention some authors or titles you have enjoyed.

ALAN: I rather like vampires. Can I tangent off our tangent for a moment so that I can talk about vampires?

JANE: Go for itI'm always hoping to figure out what possible appeal vampires could have.

ALAN: The archetypal example of the genre would be Anne Rice's work - Interview With The Vampire et al, but I must confess I always found them rather turgid.

JANE: Whoa!I remember when Anne Rice's work was omnipresent.Wasn't it considered horror?

ALAN: I think that's the slot that many readers and reviewers put it in, but I was never completely convinced.Anne Rice always presented the vampire Lestat in a very romantic light. He was handsome and sexy as well as dangerous. I'm sure you could make a very good case that Buffy Fic draws at least as much inspiration from Anne Rice's work as it does from anything else. After all, the prevailing characteristic of Buffy Fic is that feeling of slightly dangerous romance.

JANE:I really think that one of the biggest differences between Buffy Fic and Horror is that in Buffy Fic romance is crucial.It also lacks the "darkness" that prominent horror editor, Ellen Datlow, mentioned is key.

It's worth re-quoting her: "To me, horror is less a distinct genre than a tone that develops from the approach writers take to their material.It's the darkness, always the darkness that prevails.Even when the protagonist survives, the darkness is never left entirely behind.Things are not 'ok' in the world (which is why most of what is today called 'urban fantasy' is not horror)."

ALAN: That's quite true.

But, sticking just to vampires for the moment, I've greatly enjoyed Mike Resnick's approach in Stalking The Vampire which is a sort of hard-boiled private detective novel with vampires and jokes. He's written several books in this series and they are all a lot of light-hearted fun, played strictly for laughs.

Christopher Moore has also written a trilogy of vampire novels which I think are some of the funniest books I've ever read - I was literally crying with laughter when I was reading them. The novels are: Blood Sucking Fiends, You Suck and Bite Me. I think the puns are obvious

Then there's Kim Newman and his Anno Dracula series. The premise here is that Dracula triumphed over his enemies - Jonathan Harker and Van Helsing were soundly defeated. Dracula wooed, won and married Queen Victoria, as a result of which vampirism became very fashionable and it wasn't long before everybody who was anybody at all in high society was turned into a vampire

Newman's stories are not precisely played for laughs; there's a grim subtext. But nevertheless there is a lightness of tone which makes them really rather a lot of fun.

Books like these straddle the line between horror and Buffy Fic.

And, to be more serious for a moment, Octavia Butler's last novel Fledgling uses the vampire as a metaphor for the outsider and her novel, while it's a brilliant straightforward vampire story on the surface, is also an examination of racial and sexual prejudice underneath the surface. Vampires definitely have their literary uses!

JANE: WellLet's just say that I don't feel any desire to add these to my reading list.

You know, you still really haven't given an example of Buffy FicHow about one?

ALAN: OK - back to Buffy Fic. I've really enjoyed the Rachel Morgan novels by Kim Harrison. The premise is that most of the human race has been destroyed in a world wide pandemic caused by genetically modified tomatoes and now the supernatural entities (who weren't affected by the pandemic) can slot themselves neatly into the organisational structure of society. There's still an uneasy relationship between the humans and the supernaturals but nevertheless there is a relationship.

Rachel Morgan herself is a witch and a detective. Her cases involve both the mundane and the supernatural and much of the strength of the series comes from the impact of her relationships, both romantic and otherwise, with her clients and partners. The titles of the novels are wonderfully clever puns on Hollywood movies - for example Dead Witch Walking, and The Good, the Bad, and the Undead.

JANE: Oh!I'm giggling madly!Genetically modified tomatoes?Funny!But, actually, it's also a nice reference to the rising fear of genetically engineered crops.

Now It's my turn.

My husband, Jim, is usually my gateway into any book with vampires.He really likes Carrie Vaughn's "Kitty" books.Kitty is a radio talk show host who is assaulted by a werewolf and becomes one herself.Initially, she is a very convincing wreck.However, she finds her strength in becoming a voice for the voiceless.I've only read a few of the books, but I've liked what I've read.Jim is positively hooked.

One thing that makes the Kitty books work for me is that - although there is a fair dose of hidden politics -there are real world issues, too.Kitty's mother gets breast cancer and Kitty needs to figure out how to visit her mother with dangerous enemies on her tail.In Kitty Goes to Washington, Kitty has to testify before Congress regarding the reality of supernatural entities.

Best if all, not all the vampires are powerbrokers.One of my favorite scenes is the one where a young man calls into Kitty's show.He was "turned" and now the only work he can get is in a late night stop and shop.He's not cool.He's not powerful.And he's trapped this way for all eternity.It's a bit of nice balance.

ALAN: I'm not familiar with those books. Perhaps we should take a break here while both of us go and do some reading

JANE: And I go do some writing!Spoiler warning for our readersWe're not done yet!Hurry back next week for more of the best of Buffy Fic.
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