So far the only casting news we've gotten about director PAUL MCGUIGAN's (Lucky Number Slevin) upcoming Frankenstein project has been the delightful decision to make Harry Potter himself, DANIEL RADCLIFFE, grow a hump, drool a bit, and --who's said to be a lead character in this new look at the classic material.
Okay, so maybe the hump and the drool is just speculation at this point, but by all accounts this Max Landis-written (Chronicle) take on the Frankenstein mythos is supposed to have much more in common with what we've seen in monster movies and Halloween decorations over the past fifty years or so than it does with Mary Shelley's more heady and less fun gothic novel that originally created the characters. Given that premise, it stands to reason that another of the film's central characters, the eccentric mad scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein, will likely be a cackling, lab coat-wearing, crazy-eyed fiend. And McGuigan has now found just the actor to play him.
According to a report from Deadline, X-Men: First Class actor JAMES MCAVOY is going to be taking the lateral move away from playing mutation specialist Professor Xavier over to playing reanimated flesh specialist Dr. Frankenstein. This was reportedly a pretty coveted role, and McAvoy had to test alongside a number of other actors to win it, so we can now all rest easy with the assurance that every option has been looked at and the actor who brought the most unhinged energy to his interpretation of the character has been chosen.
Of course, now that the casting of the doctor and the assistant is out of the way, attention is likely to turn to the question of who McGuigan is going to get to play the monster. Do you think it's possible they could keep that X-Men chemistry intact and screw some bolts into Michael Fassbender's neck to bring the shuffling brute to life? He was so very delightful playing a not-quite-human monster in Prometheus last summer, after all.
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