Wednesday, October 23, 2013

'Back in the Game,' 'Super Fun Night' each handed two more scripts

If you are excited to see some more of ABC's Wednesday-night lineup, then you will likely interpret the following as good news: The network has ordered two more scripts for both of their freshmen comedies in "" and "." These two shows have performed better the past week or two than either "The Goldbergs" or "Trophy Wife," and they have done so despite not coming on after "Agents of SHIELD," which was at least a ratings monster back when it first debuted.

The interesting part of this two us is that two scripts extra is hardly much of a vote of confidence. While the ratings may reflect it, in the end "Back in the Game" is probably a better gamble. It's a family gamble that is probably not going to see its ratings fluctuate too much, and we don't know many people who see it and then hate what they are watching.

Meanwhile, "Super Fun Night" started out dreadful, and it just doesn't feel like there is a show there so much as just a series of jokes better suited for a "Saturday Night Live" sketch. It was helped by Rebel Wilson starring on it and also airing after "Modern Family," but it can only rely on these sort of things for so long. Remember that these two scripts are not guaranteed to be made, and are more to see what ideas the writers will coming up with. Our general feeling is that one of the two shows will for sure last through the year, while the other may either be shipped to Tuesdays or canceled so that something new can be put in the lineup to try out. ABC is desperate to find a compliment for "Modern Family," but this far nothing has really worked. We actually blame the network for most of that, since they fail to realize that a show actually like "Back in the Game" or "The Middle" would be the best fit. "Modern Family" is one of those shows that can appeal, after all, to all demographics and all families.

We'll have some more news on this subject soon, so be sure to stay tuned for more on that.
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