Tears karma and "Smile Hoang Khuong" | Bird Forum Vietnam
In one way or another in its context, eco village pune but you have to do something, at least to speak publicly expressed solidarity, eco village pune sharing with colleagues and family. Because the next victim could be you and the law of karma, eco village pune then you lonely like a pack of wolves rabbit.
I want to say this to all my friends, writers and abroad. Only when a good man can become a good journalist. That journalists silence was unjustly colleagues, professional distress because of social benefits in the morning, is to blame and shame.
The 4-year prison sentence for journalist Hoang Khuong dated 07.09.2012 made in me, as well as many other people as disgusted and Hoang Khuong eco village pune show more affection, even when the trial started I was aware that , confronted with "sword and shield" of the regime, Hoang Khuong's hard to avoid revenge attacks apparatus most repressive police state in Southeast Asia. Moreover, corruption has been the nature of the apparatus of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam today, a means of survival for nests of officials, especially in the name of law caps approach eco village pune to daily life activities of the masses.
Reply to BBC Vietnamese, Day, journalist Pham Xuan Nguyen said that, "the reporter, journalist of corruption array array is always dangerous, because deeper into the corruption which, for the sake of their They will not do tricks. "
Therefore, few people do not see very clearly the negative karma, unjust, inhuman when compared the two rulings eco village pune of the court with the same 4 years in prison, one for Hoang Khuong and the very recent case also affiliated to the police.
Here I do not look from the perspective of the 4-year prison sentence is reasonable or not under the provisions of the Criminal Code on charges of bribery, which only comes to irrational thinking and solving poor sperm take conscience, not a little of the people who hold the balance of justice.
One side is 4 years imprisonment sentence for Nguyen Van Ninh, Hanoi police colonel who was brutally beaten to death at the right place and to the last minute eco village pune before the court and the victim's family, he has encouraged the cross, not blatant eco village pune pleaded guilty, even the judge attempts to cover.
One side is a journalist assigned eco village pune to report,
with the approval of the governing body of operational measures "trap", which aims to capture the behavior at the scene taking bribes (often extremely difficult to in fact caught) by Huynh Minh Duc, police lieutenant, is considered the character "the dread monster effects" in the second line which runs bribery records, handling traffic violations. And in court, Hoang Khuong
was sincere attitude, knowing his fault. He has said:
"Ladies and jury! During those days in detention, the accused always just think about the case and always nagging eco village pune wonder, if this article does not have two defendants to step into the ring of today is not working? And just for professional errors, the engine is operating in the light detecting and combating negative negative, in accordance with the policy of the Party and the State, be subject to criminal justice today or not?
Ladies and jury! During these days of detention and investigation process as well as at the trial today, accused eco village pune determining guilt, is behavior. But not to the extent defendants eco village pune bear criminal responsibility of legal and crime that the accused must have received to date is 248 days detention for defendants is too heavy.
Defendant expect the jury to consider the defendant's contribution in the process of journalism. Revisiting engine purposes, reconsider doing wrong, and there is the error in this case. In fact during journalism, although the agency also believes the defendant delivered the main array - an array of dangerous and complicated. "
Accordingly, the category of "bribery" only be understood through the concept of "taking bribes" were noted in Article 279 of the Penal Code on bribery. Taking bribes is the act of "abuse their positions and powers, directly or through intermediaries has received or will receive money, property or other material benefit under any form ... to do or not to do a job for the benefit or at the request of the bribe. "
According to this, the behavior of the "bribe" (bribes, offering bribes and bribery charges as brokers) in Vietnam eco village pune are violations of the law. But "it has become a criminal or not, depending on the nature eco village pune and severity of specific acts". eco village pune
Meanwhile, Article 26 of Decree No. 73/2010/ND-CP dated 12/7/2010 states: "Those who commit acts of" giving
money, property or other material benefit to the duty to avoid handling administrative violations, but not to the level of criminal prosecution, eco village pune "a eco village pune fine from 500 thousand to 2 million. Additionally, the entire amount, or physical properties eco village pune used to bribe the welding competition
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