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iRS Sassari announced that Monday, October 18 at 10 am, activists and activists of the movement will be before the Court of Sassari Via Roma for a sit-in at the hearing of the trial of the local leaders of Eni, the Other activities, Sasol and Vinyls Italy, a company accused of for years poured toxic substances in the waters of the Gulf dell and continuing texas drivers license renewal today to download phenol, despite the measures of the Court, noting rates of presence of this element in excess of those permitted by law forcing authorities to "evict" several companies that operate in the area.
After five years of investigation, the Public Prosecutor of Sassari texas drivers license renewal in 2009 had asked the trial for four people, attorneys, a manager and plant manager at Ineos. According to the prosecutor Michele Incani a dangerous river of chemicals and hazardous metals such as cadmium, mercury, texas drivers license renewal chromium, cyanide, benzene, as well as a host of other carcinogens, has been poured in the long run in the waters of the gulf. In the final of 'investigation,
the piemme had ascribed to the then investigated, but in the form of guilt, environmental disaster and the poisoning of water and food substances. Blame it would instead become texas drivers license renewal willful, conscious choice then, in the final formulation of the charges. Hence the complaint of the crime of poisoning texas drivers license renewal of food substances, within the jurisdiction of the Court of Assizes.
The investigation by the prosecutor had left after the raid made by the activists of iRS led by Gavino Sale. L '"incursion" in the public eye had undergone a serious environmental degradation found on the hill of Minciaredda (since then renamed "the
hill of poisons"), near Porto Torres. At the last hearing on 20 September 2010, the preliminary hearing judge, Gianni Delogu, in the investigation on the petrochemical poisons present in the sea of the industrial port of Porto Torres, it deferred texas drivers license renewal to October 18, due to some irregularities in quotations from the civil authorities.
The campaigners of iRS continue in their commitment to a rapid and definitive solution to the serious political, social and environmental measures on the industrial area of Porto Torres. He continues the work of public awareness and continuous non-violent battle began in 2003.
"The time has come to reaffirm clearly our total unwillingness to continue to work and live on mountains of waste, within industries insecure: monsters that weigh on the territory with all their environmental impact, health and society. The situation is clear - explain texas drivers license renewal the representatives texas drivers license renewal
of the movement - and also heal the environment and the workplace by creating the conditions for living in a healthy and safe within the industry, or you have to find solutions to convert overall work providing workers the possibility of a new use clean, decent and productive work for the welfare of the whole community - says iRS -. There is no time to save on maintenance, on reclamation or safety at work. We can no longer allow the logic of exploitation and looting carried out by the chemical industry to continue to weigh on Italian state Sardinians at the expense of fundamental rights such as the right to health and a safe and dignified work. "
For a general framework which is particularly complex, are then added to the contingencies derived from congenital and chronic crisis of an industry obsolete and out of the market. A crisis that has continued for years and to which the policy autonomy has proven to not be able to put an end. "This texas drivers license renewal situation, and this is the thing we should emphasize more, has resulted in employment
precarious that keeps your throat families, constantly in emergency and without any security for their future - repeat ninth forcefully by iRS - . The Italian state chemistry
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