Saturday, January 18, 2014

Edi's weekend Wave issue #1403

HELLO and welcome to issue #1403 of Edi's Weekend Wave.

This will be a busy weekend. On Friday evening I used the time after taking care of my duties at home and before I go to bed to put together the topics for this issue. Fortunately that went well. Today (Saturday) I have been nice to myself as I slept a bit longer and spent the morning for reading. And now after lunch I start to write this post. Afterwards I will continue to work on my next review and tonight my wife and I will watch two documentations on TV - One about and one about the eve of the .

On Sunday I have to work half of the day. Afterwards my wife and I will go for a meeting with people who like as much as we do.

With some luck I will find some time for reading in the evening.



News and information straight from the horse's mouth by Lighthouse keeper ediFanoB

* Reading progress

The latest report from our shelf shop net correspondent Bona

* New books on my shelf/reader or when one book leads to another

* A book addict and his New Year's Resolution

Messages from the depths of the blogosphere by spheronaut Bona Fide

* Pirates Ahoy!

* Alt Hist Issue 6 ahead

* Your cats will like it if you can afford it

* How to prevent air pollution in 1906

* Fantasy - high, weird, epic

* Light Pollution

* Slang

* Macadamization

* More Sherlock Holmes

Remote control junkie Fide and his zapping highlights

* Sherlock

The member of the house of quotes and a quote himself the Keeper of the minutes ( we call him Kotm) fished for you

* German proverbs, sayings and idiomsQuote related to work and compensation


Last week was a dream from reading point of view. I finished THREE books!! Of course I must admit that I spent most of my spare time for reading. Fortunately I could do that because my wife was busy with her hobbies.

I finished

- London Darkness: Infernal Inventions (digital, 2012) [KINDLE ASIN: B008BO5S68] by .

I wrote on GOODREADS:

"This is a book where you get more blood than steam.

It is a book about admiration, love, revenge and profit seeking.

I expected a different ending which would have fitted a bit more to the story.

I will definitely read the sequel "London Darkness: War of the Devices" which is set 15 years after the events taken place in "London Darkness: Infernal Inventions"."

- Aetherresonanz (digital, 2013) [KINDLE ASIN: B00GWO2N9O] by .

"Baden-Baden 1912: Das Amt f rtherangelegenheiten wurde gegr ndet, um die Forschungber die Auswirkungen desthers zu b ndeln. Aber die Menschen im Kaiserreich wollen immer noch nicht wahrhaben, dass die Welt sich unwiderruflich ver ndert hat. Annabelle Rosenherz versucht, in der Gesellschaft Verst ndnis f r die Ver nderten zu wecken. Sie selbst kann aber nicht vergessen, was ihr wegen ihrer eigenen Ver nderung angetan wurde. Um dem ewigen Gr beln zu entfliehen, geht sie einem Hinweis auf ihren vermissten Vater nach und besucht einen alten Freund der Familie. In dem Anwesen des reichen Industriellen Rudolf Bader begegnet sie nicht nur der Vergangenheit, sondern auch den Auswirkungen, die viele falsche Entscheidungen auf die Gegenwart haben. W hrend die Polizei mithilfe des Amtes unerkl rliche Todesf lle untersucht, kommen sie bei ihren Ermittlungen den ewig stampfenden Dampfmaschinen der Bader- ther-Werke immer n her. Verbirgt die Fabrik einen M rder oder sucht man an der falschen Stelle?ther und Maschinen, Liebe, die den Tod nicht akzeptieren will und falsche Entscheidungen:therresonanz ist Steampunk aus Deutschland, dessen Dampfdruck die Kessel zu sprengen droht." []

This is the second book in a German Steampunk series. I liked the first book despite the fact it contained romance parts.

So I have had expectations.

But I must say I have been a bit disappointed because there was definitely too much romance for me in Aetherresonanz.

The book is not bad but I did not hit my taste.

There will be a third book and I hope the author will reduce the romance part to the extent of the first book.

I will have a look at the sequel......

- Caversham Road (digital, 2013)[AMAZON ASIN: B00CA8J7D6] by MICHAEL STEWART CONWAY

"When a young woman is found dead on an allotment early one morning, Furnivall and Stubbs are summoned to the scene. She is lying on her back, fully dressed in undamaged clothes, and yet somehow she has bled to death. A monster has come to stay in a slightly run- down suburb in a small town at the heart of Queen Victoria's Empire. The investigation will take them into the world of hard- headed criminal business as well as to the heart of one man's madness." []I wrote on GOODREADS:

" I read "Caversham Lock" with a great pleasure. This first "Furnivall and Stubbs Case" delivered such a satisfying read for me.

With "Caversham Road" author Michael Stewart Conway returns to the world Detective Constable Jim Furnivall and Detective Sergeant Harry Stubbs.

Again the author shows his extraordinary talent to animate the gone world of the Victorian era. I love his detailed descriptions of nearly everything important to the story, which is a superb whodunnit with a lot to fathom. Even the name of Sweeny Todd is mentioned, it is not the case of Sweeny Todd.

Furthermore the development of the main characters is excellent.

To be honest, I do not have anything to complain about. This is a crime novel set in Victorian era with top-notch characters and story.

I do not understand why this series has not been picked up by a publisher.

I can't wait to read the next book "Caversham House" and I hope that Michael Stewart Conway will write more Furnivall and Stubbs cases."

Dear Readers,

i really love the books by . Caversham Lock and Caversham House have been extraordinary good reads. To say it more graphical, they have blown me away.If you look for top-notch crime novels set in Victorian era with fascinating characters, well researched and with descriptions which let the Victorian era come alive in your head THEN you should bydigital copies.

And to be honest, the price per book is ridiculous low.

Caversham Lock (digital, 2012)[AMAZON ASIN: B00A3VLV68] by MICHAEL STEWART CONWAY

= 0,89 EUR

= 1.02 GBP

= 1.22 USD

Caversham Road (digital, 2013)[AMAZON ASIN: B00CA8J7D6] by MICHAEL STEWART CONWAY

= 0,89 EUR

= 0.99 GBP

= 1.22 USD

Caversham House (digital, 2013)[AMAZON ASIN: B00G4DSL9O] by MICHAEL STEWART CONWAY

= 0,89 EUR

= 0.99 GBP

= 1.22 USD


- 24 pages in Prophecy (paperback, UK 2011) [ISBN-13: 978-0007317646] by

In case you do not know the book, I added the cover and the blurb for you.

"S. J. Parris returns with the next Giordano Bruno mystery, set inside Queen Elizabeth's palace and steeped in period atmospherics and the strange workings of the occult. It is the year of the Great Conjunction, when the two most powerful planets, Jupiter and Saturn, align--an astrologi cal phenomenon that occurs once every thousand years and heralds the death of one age and the dawn of another. The streets of London are abuzz with predictions of horrific events to come, possibly even the death of Queen Elizabeth. When several of the queen's maids of honor are found dead, rumors of black magic abound. Elizabeth calls upon her personal astrologer, John Dee, and Giordano Bruno to solve the crimes. While Dee turns to a mysterious medium claiming knowledge of the murders, Bruno fears that some thing far more sinister is at work. But even as the climate of fear at the palace intensifies, the queen refuses to believe that the killer could be someone within her own court. Bruno must play a dangerous game: can he allow the plot to progress far enough to give the queen the proof she needs without putting her, England, or his own life in danger? In this utterly gripping and gorgeously written novel, S. J. Parris has proven herself the new master of the historical thriller." [

No progress

- 241 pages in the Amelia Peabody's Murder Mystery Omnibus (digital, pb, 2012) [KINDLE EDITION ASIN: B007PRZJAW] by .

- 98 pages in The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime (digital 2011) [ KINDLE EDITION ASIN: B004FPYX72] by .

- 172 pages in the Emperor of Thorns (pb, August 2013) [ISBN-13: 978-0007439058] by ,

- 175 pages in Deadhouse Gates (pb, 2006; first published in 2000) [ISBN-13: 978-0765348791] by

Enjoy your weekend ....


Dear readers, I'm the one to tell you about books - only books? What about novellas and other stuff? My name is Bona. I scour shelves, shops and the net for books. If you call me a book whore I would not gainsay you. But be aware I have my own, sometimes elusive taste.


This week I received two paperback copies which I ordered several months ago in advance.

The author of the first book is, the man behind the alluring BurtonKINDLE EDITION ASIN:B00C5QULVK] by . It has been a great read.

It seems the book aroused some interest - unfortunately on the wrong sites - as described in her post I think this is really annoying for every author.

So hope to cope with piracy sites which offer illegal free downloads? I think as an author you are like . You can't change the moral compass of the people behind on own your own.

But it is necessary to talk about such things and spread word about it. Literary property is worth to be defended.


On August 14th, 2012, I posted my .

On August 4th, 2013, I posted my .

Now about the upcoming issue 6 which should be available by the end of January/start of February2014.

"Alt Hist Issue 6 includes four wonderful alternate history stories, plus a great "straight" historical fiction set in 1914 about a teenage girl accused of war crimes. The alternate history stories cover some classic areas for speculative fiction and of interest to alternate history buffs: what if Hitler one the war, what if the Germans invaded Britain in WW2, who really killed JFK and what if the Cold War turned hot? But none of these tales are just speculation on alternative versions of history. They all share what you have come to expect from Alt Hist: a strong story and engaging characters." []

A short summary of each story is available at


You share your life with cats. You have space to share with your cats. You spend each cent you can afford for your cats. The I have the ultimate recommendation for you presented over at he . Have a look at


We all know that traffic cause air pollution. For me it was astonishing to see how progressive some people have been in London 1906 with the launch of electronic busses! Thanks to and his outstanding blog dedicated to London for the following most informative post:


Sometimes you open posts and then you stay there minute by minute by minute, .... With some luck you leave before the clock hand shows the next hour. So you have been warned before. It is not my failure when you spend more time than expected over at the following two posts over at. It is all about fantasy. Hope you enjoy it


Pollution is a hot topic when it comes to air pollution. But what does light pollution mean?

There is no extended explanation necessary. You just need to have a look at the fascinating pictures over at the the . Look and gape at


As reader of books set in the Victorian eraor later, I have an interest in the language which has been used at the specific era. I also like to baffle my colleagues in UK with words long forgotten or with a changed meaning. Luckily there are blogs who deliver great posts about the use of language in former times.I read with great pleasure the following post over at :


First of all let me clarify that it has nothing in common with . It refers to road building and to a man with name . There is an enlightening post over at :


Last year I showed my admiration of and his immortal characters and with several posts on my blog. Do you know ?

It is a blog I discovered recently. They post a lot of different stuff from pictures to ads. It seems the also have a soft spot for .

Have a look at following link and you will understand what I mean ....

That's it for today. Come back next week for more ......


Hey, it's me Fide. I'm a remote control professional. I'm that fast that I can watch two movies at the same time.

Last week I showed a first trailer of the fourth season of the , In the meantime a second trailer is available and of course I would like to share this piece.

I read all the books so far and honestly I dropped the question when the next book will be written and published. Time will tell ....

That's all for today. See you next time....


I 'm the Keeper of the minutes. But I don't mind when you call me Kotm. No, no. I don't explain to you how to pronounce.

I have nothing to add to following quote ....

"People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get."

FREDERICK DOUGLASS, US abolitionist, 1817 - 1895
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